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  1. The South Beach Diet Review

    Both the South Beach and Atkins diets are the creation of medical doctors. The father of The South Beach Diet is cardiologist Arthur Agatston, MD, director of the Mount Sinai Cardiac Prevention Center in Miami Beach, Fla.


  2. south beach diet - YouTube

  3. South Beach Diet - Your Guide

    Where Did The SouthBeach Diet Come From? South Beach Diet was created by Dr. Arthur Agatston after finding many of his patients were having little success with traditional low carb - high fat diet plans such as the Atkins diet.


  4. The south beach diet.

    The South Beach diet.. На западе сейчас появилась новая диета, которую разработал врач кардиолог для своих пациентов. Суть ее заключается в том, что вы не считаете калории и жиры, а едите так чтобы не были голодными.


  5. South Beach Diet: Information from Answers.com

    This creates a condition in which more and more insulin must be used to control glucose levels in the blood. Description Function Benefits Precautions Risks Research and general acceptance Resources. What is the South Beach diet?


  6. South Beach diet

    The South Beach diet is a diet plan started by Miami, Florida, area cardiologist Arthur Agatston, a graduate of New York University, which emphasizes the consumption of "good carbohydrates" and "good fats".


  7. South Beach Diet Review 2012

    The South Beach Diet focuses on limiting the amount of carbs you eat. Carbs get stored to fat, so if you can eliminate or reduce carbs, you will lose weight. Before we break into the diet review, let’s go over exactly what a carbohydrate is and why it’s important.


  8. Диета Южного пляжа — Википедия

    Marie Almon) в качестве альтернативы низкожировым диетам, таким как диета Орниша (Dean Ornish) и диета Притикина (Pritikin Diet), рекомендованным

    ↑ Waterfront Media, Inc. South Beach Diet (2009). Проверено 7 ноября 2009. Архивировано из первоисточника 18 сентября 2012.


  9. Dieta South Beach - USA Diet News

    Dieta South Beach. Rhinocerotids times, dietitian job, prawns diet probably, are relatively derived. Research had only shown gastric bypass after diet ground is only manufactured by the flour in the potential, using dieta south beach the maturity hmg-coa addition.


  10. South Beach Diet Reviews: The South Beach Diet - Must Read!

    The diet is a great solution for those suffering from obesity like syndrome and want to lose weight. Originally, the South Beach diet was developed by Dr Agatston for patients suffering from heart disease.


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